
APS TARC Podcast

The APS TARC released a recent podcast addressing how to survive trauma exposure on the job.

Adult Maltreatment Report 2022

This report is based on 2022 data from the National Adult Maltreatment Reporting System (NAMRS).

Adult Protection Services (APS) Process Evaluation Report

This evaluation was designed and implemented to describe the current landscape of APS program structure and operations across the United States.

Adult Protective Services (APS) Blog

Updated regularly, the APS Blog includes posts from contributing authors and new publications from the Adult Protective Services Technical Assistance Resource Center (APS TARC).

Let’s Talk APS (Peer Call)

These virtual meetings are designed to bring together adult protective services (APS) investigators/caseworkers, supervisors, and administrators who may be struggling with similar issues or concerns. Attendees are invited to exchange help with difficult cases, brainstorm how to work with challenging partners, share resources, and get peer advice on how to tackle related concerns framed around discussion questions on related topics.

Adult Maltreatment Report 2021

This report is based on 2021 data from the National Adult Maltreatment Reporting System (NAMRS).

APS TARC Toolkits

The APS TARC, on behalf of the Administration for Community Living, developed a series of toolkits to assist APS programs across policy and practice on a single topic.

Webinar: Adult Protective Services (APS) Innovations Townhall on APS Language

This recorded interactive townhall discusses questions surrounding adult protective services (APS) language usage as we begin a step towards consensus on building the evolution of APS language use.

WRMA publishes resources on financial exploitation and fraud prevention, focusing on vulnerable adults

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