Child Maltreatment Report 2023

Child Maltreatment 2023 is the 34th edition in the annual series of this NCANDS report and includes a special focus on racial and ethnic disproportionality.

Child Maltreatment Report 2021

Child Maltreatment 2021 is the 32nd edition in the annual series of this NCANDS report and includes a special focus on racial and ethnic disproportionality.

Child maltreatment reporting during the initial weeks of COVID-19 in the US: Findings from NCANDS

Child Abuse & Neglect has published an article written by members of WRMA’s National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS) technical team, in collaboration with John Fluke of the Kempe Center at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

Impacts of COVID-19 on Child Maltreatment Reporting: Findings from NCANDS FFY 2020

This data brief, written by WRMA subject matter experts, examines key child maltreatment indicators during the initial period following the declaration of national health emergency for COVID-19.

Journal Article: Adolescent Mother Maltreatment Perpetrators’ Past Experiences with Child Protective Services

This article, written by WRMA’s National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System technical team, was published in the International Journal of Child Maltreatment.

Young Maltreatment Perpetrators’ Past Experiences With Child Protective Services: Findings from NCANDS

This study explored whether young maltreatment perpetrators have had prior contact with child protective services (CPS) as victims or as nonvictims.

Background Check Requirement Highlights

This resource highlights key requirements of the comprehensive background check requirements from the CCDBG Act of 2014 and the CCDF final rule.

Children and Adolescents as Perpetrators of Child Maltreatment: Findings from NCANDS

This infographic provides a visual report of findings on child maltreatment perpetrators younger than 18 as reported to the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS).