A project supported by: WRMA’s National Center on Subsidy Innovation and Accountability (NCSIA) team
Office of Child Care partners with WRMA
to provide subsidy technical assistance to states, territories, and Tribes
A project supported by: WRMA’s National Center on Subsidy Innovation and Accountability (NCSIA) team
to provide subsidy technical assistance to states, territories, and Tribes
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
Office of Child Care (OCC)
In 2011 the Administration for Children and Families’ Office of Child Care (OCC) sought a respected contractor with expertise in early childhood education and program integrity to launch a new national Subsidy Center designed to provide resources and technical assistance (TA) to states, territories, and Tribes on the effective use of federal child care subsidy funds. WRMA was selected and worked with OCC to fulfill its vision. WRMA brought on a talented team of early childhood systems experts who began working closely with the OCC regional offices to provide targeted subsidy TA to state administrators.
Between 2011 and 2016, new federal legislation increased accountability requirements for states surrounding use of subsidy funds, so OCC looked to WRMA to expand supports for states in this area. The Subsidy Center became the National Center on Subsidy Innovation and Accountability (NCSIA) and WRMA brought on program integrity experts to provide resources, toolkits, and TA in that arena to align with OCC’s strategic direction.
OCC re-awarded the NCSIA contract to WRMA in 2018, growing staff capacity by 300%, then again in 2023, growing NCSIA’s staff capacity by adding additional topic areas to support. WRMA expanded the company’s existing team of early childhood experts, bringing on subject matter experts and former state administrators, shaping a talented and cohesive team to fulfill OCC’s expanded vision.
Today WRMA’s NCSIA team provides TA, resources, and toolkits on a wide range of OCC priority topic areas related to state, territory, and Tribes’ use of child care subsidy funds.
These topic areas include:
Published resources are on the Early Childhood Training and Technical Assistance System website on NCSIA’s resource page.
The NCSIA team provides TA via in-person and virtual visits, telephone consultation, facilitated peer-to-peer calls, peer learning sessions, webinars, conference presentations, online training modules, and written products.
NCSIA continues to focus on OCC’s high-priority areas. NCSIA supports states and territories to meet the changing child care subsidy administration demands. NCSIA is an active partner in the effort to provide TA and resources to states, territories, and Tribes on the new CCDF rules. NCSIA is supporting OCC to lead the TA development of resources and guidance on these rules.