Office of Population Affairs chooses WRMA
to create teen pregnancy prevention data system
to create teen pregnancy prevention data system
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH)
Office of Population Affairs (OPA)
In 2018, the Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) needed a trusted contractor to design, implement, and maintain a data system to track performance measures for two grant programs, the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program (TPP) and the Pregnancy Assistance Fund (PAF). In June 2019, OAH was absorbed into the Office of Population Affairs (OPA), so the project is now known as OPA Performance Measures. The WRMA team provides technical assistance to grantees related to reporting their performance measures into the data system, including webinars and web-based technical assistance resources.
WRMA, along with subcontractor Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., has developed a data system, called OAHPMDS, to track performance measures for two grant programs, TPP and PAF. Grantees report semi-annual and annual performance measures data including reach and dosage by grantee, program model, and section for combined data periods. TPP grantees implement several different evidence-based and innovative approaches to prevent teen pregnancy. PAF (for which funding concluded in federal fiscal year 2020) funded states and tribal entities to provide a seamless network of support services to expectant and parenting teens, women, fathers, and their families.
The WRMA team provides technical assistance to grantees (who have varying levels of experience in data collection, reporting, and interpretation) related to reporting their performance measures into OAHPMDS, including webinars and web-based technical assistance resources. We also produce summary data tables that OPA staff and grantees use to make data-informed improvements to programs and services. For each of the grant programs we prepare public-facing brief reports that highlight and interpret key findings on PAF and TPP performance measures data for a broader audience. Mathematica has been primarily responsible for the summary tables and briefs, as well as webinars focused on how grantees can use their performance measures data for Continuous Quality Improvement.